
Why I Use FCT on the Court Daily

08/01/2023 1:51pm 2 minute read

Hi, I'm Brian Teacher, the CEO and Founder of Full Court Tennis (FCT). In 1980 I won the Australian Open and in 1981 I ranked No. 7 in the world. I have coached extensively on ATP and WTA tours, developing many top international juniors as well.

Today I want to tell you why I use FCT on the court everyday to coach, and how it improves my coaching game. 


Here is an Example why I use FCT on the Court Daily:

These comparisons immediately show the player the proper weight transfer from right foot forward to left and shoulder through the hit with contact points more in front.

Having two pro players as references gives the player valuable insights.

Even as an experienced coach, it is hard for me to see all of this without putting the stroke into the FCT app, where I can scroll the stroke back and forth and compare it to other FCT Pro Strokes. Instantly, it becomes apparent what is wrong.


You can also use FCT to analyze full matches by scrolling back and forth. All balance points, reaction times, and strokes are easily seen in every minute detail.


Let me give another example demonstrating the usefulness of FCT. The service return is one of the most important aspects of the game, and it's all about quickness to react, balance, pivot, and preparation. You can track every minute detail with FCT and see exactly where the player is off and immediately correct it.


FCT undoubtedly makes me a better coach, and this blog has just scratched the surface of the power of FCT. In addition, FCT has many monetization strategies for coaches to make money.


Read more of our blog to learn about Live Video Call Lessons, Multiple Participant Lesson Spaces, and Stroke Analysis Lesson Spaces.


Brian Teacher

Founder and CEO




About us

FullCourtTennis was founded by former '81 Australian Open Singles Champion Brian Teacher, currently an ATP coach. With today's widespread access to technology, Brian wanted to make tennis coaching available and affordable to all. And so the FullCourtTennis app was born. Now tennis players of all levels, from all around the globe can connect directly with world-class tennis coaches to improve their game.



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