Hi, I'm Brian Teacher and welcome to Full Court Tennis. Today, on the eleventh step of the Forehand Volley Challenge, I'm going to show you how to stay aggressive and penetrate on that low forehand volley.You have to be aggressive with your legs and you have to want to attack it as much as possible but this is not a do or die shot you need to make it . So first your eyes and brain need to identify that you want to be as aggressive as possible with this shot and you have to be aggressive with your legs otherwise the ball's going to die short and your opponent will pick it up quickly and eat your lunch. If your legs are not very aggressive meaning moving quickly and stretching them out and through the shot you will not have enough power through the hit and penetration through the shot will not be an option for you. Okay? So the first thing is to set the wrist right here with that little pivot out to the right side and we're not going to take much of a backswing , hand in front and the backswing comes from landing on the right foot left arm across the body and doing a little torso pivot . Look at where the hand is right by the hip right .The swing doesn't really go past the right hip right there and you really use your legs aggressively to get through it and you are pressing through the hit with the goal of maximum penetration through the court in both depth and velocity. Look at the racquet face is going to be slightly open because it's below the net.You got to get some lift and you got to measure it as you move through it to make sure it goes through over the net here's. Light on your feet but pushing and extending from right foot forward into left. Let's go again quickly right here.Aggressive through the hit every time.Try practicing at least 15 minutes a day until you master each step. Post your progress to the full court feed and or hire a coach in App for a virtual lesson. Stay focused, enjoy the process and always listen to your body.
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FullCourtTennis was founded by former '81 Australian Open Singles Champion Brian Teacher, currently an ATP coach. With today's widespread access to technology, Brian wanted to make tennis coaching available and affordable to all. And so the FullCourtTennis app was born. Now tennis players of all levels, from all around the globe can connect directly with world-class tennis coaches to improve their game.
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